Our company

We aim to bring our customers the best vision quality in all circumstances. Our company has many years’ experience in correction on even the most difficult vision defects. Due to innovative, unique services, wide range of up-to- date products and strong customer support principles, since 1991 we have been appreciated by the growing number of satisfied regular customers. The optician parlor and workshop are equipped in the most modern medical.

We have obtained a number of certificates and authorizations of leading manufacturers of equipment
spectacle lenses and frames and contact lenses.

Our offer
sunglasses (1)

Real sunglasses shouldn’t be just an interesting addition to your outfit. High quality products protect your eyes from UV rays and polarize the sunlight. Incorrect sunglasses can do more harm than good to your eyes.

Fashionable and protective sunglasses.
Products tailored to customer needs.
Well-known brands at low prices.

Choose something for You…

Contact lenses
Contact-Lenses (1)

Contact lenses make an excellent choice if you are tired of wearing sunglasses. Every day millions of people around the world choose contact lenses over glasses. Our customers can choose from a wide range of contact lenses tailored to the specific needs of everyone. Have you ever tried wearing contact lenses? It’s about time! Our specialist will help you to choose the perfect ones for your eyes.

Wide range of contact lenses.
Providing expert advice and assistance.
Best value for money.

Go to the online shop…


Taking care of you comfort and the safe use of contact lenses, our product range covers a complete range of accessories. We offer products of leading producers at competitive prices. This, among others, will make wearing contact lenses pure pleasure.

Best products of the best producers.
Honest advice on the best accessories.
Always competitive prices.

Go to the online shop…


If you have any emergency with your eyes, sight or contact lenses …
Don’t hesitate to telephone the reception of our Eye Centre and our specialists for an urgent
All the information you need and our working hours are available by clicking on ABOUT US appointment.

Telephone number: +48 56 462 08 22

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